Dodgeball: Still Fun (and Dangerous)


There are many ways to play dodgeball, but, in general, the object is to hit an opponent with a ball while avoiding getting hit. Newer variations involve hitting a ball against a wall rather than a person.
The traditional dodgeball game involves two teams, usually with at least six players per team. The most popular game has a midline that separates the two teams and involves throwing several balls (usually simultaneously) to eliminate the opponents. Another, less common game, is when one team is designated "throwers" and forms a large circle. The other team consists of "dodgers" who position themselves in the middle of the circle. The throwers try to hit one or more dodgers with the ball. While staying within the circle, the dodgers try to avoid getting hit by jumping out of the way, ducking or otherwise dodging the ball. If the ball strikes a dodger, that child is out for the round. If a dodger catches the ball on a fly, the player who threw the ball is out. The winning team is the one with the last person left on the court. The throwers and dodgers then switch roles for the next round. Often, throwing the ball at someone's head is strictly forbidden in dodgeball anyone who does so is out of the game. A good rule is that "hits" don't count unless the ball strikes a player at waist level or below.


Many skills are used during dodgeball, including quick movements, quick change of direction (agility), throwing, catching and aiming. Dodgeball also teaches children teamwork and the importance of keeping their eye on the ball at all times. These skills are transferable to a host of sports, including soccer, basketball and tennis. Dodgeball can be aerobic and challenges most major muscle group. Children of all ages can play dodgeball, although it is safest when played by a group of children who are close in age or stature.


The National Association for Sport and Physical Education does not support dodgeball as an appropriate practice for PE classes because it uses children as human targets. The organization states that there are other activities that can teach children the same skills gained from playing dodgeball.
The main problem with dodgeball is finding a ball that is heavy enough to be thrown with accuracy yet soft and light enough to not injure anyone. If thrown at high velocity, rubber playground balls, volleyballs and soccer balls can sting the skin or cause a more serious injury. Sponge balls tend to be so light that they can cause the thrower to sustain a rotator cuff injury if thrown too hard. One possible solution is a vinyl-covered foam rubber ball, but even these could potentially cause injury if thrown hard enough at the face or another vulnerable body part. Children can literally be knocked off their feet in dodgeball. Or they can get the wind knocked out of them if hit in the chest while attempting to catch the ball. A child could also get struck in the head or face by ducking in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It can be hard to keep certain children from whaling the ball like a melon during dodgeball. The risk for injury is increased when the thrower is bigger and stronger than the dodger. The importance of adult supervision during dodgeball - and strict enforcement of safety rules - cannot be overemphasized.
Lastly, dodgeball supports eliminating the "weakest" participants and causes a lot of wait-time. Ironically, the same people who get "out" first are usually the very people that need the most exercise and skill practice.




The uniform for playing dodgeball is usually physical education uniforms or short sleeve shirts, shorts and runners. Like the court, there is no fixed uniform. The players usually play in whatever clothing that they are wearing although they usually play in the clothing mentioned above.


There are many principles that all good dodgeball players must know. The most vital are known as the Five D's of Dodgeball.

 the ball so you don't get hit by it.
so that the ball misses you and you get that great painful feeling when you fall on the floor. Don't whine about it, it builds character. Or use a duck for cover. Quack!
 no idea. Maybe you're supposed to... dip stuff in sauce when you eat it? But how will that affect the game... nobody cares.
Dive as in skydiving. Only applies when playing the extreme "get thrown out of a plane" version of dodgeball.
the ball so... you know this already.
That's um... lets see one, two, three, four, five... yeah those are the five D's of Dodgeball. There are also three other rules that will be invaluable through training:
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball
Dodgeball teachers, please throw wrenches at your team if they don't pay attention. It's fun for you and it builds character for them.
If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball
The element of danger will make sure you suddenly become good at dodging. Unless you really aren't that good so... moving on. It builds character.
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a firearm:
 just look for the target.


An example of a dodgeball court used in the National Dodgeball League.

A typical dodgeball game is usually played on a basketball court,,netball court,gymnasium,parking lot, a bunch of tennis court, fenced area or soccer pitch. There is no fixed dodgeball court design. The game is picked on the best available surface that is usually one of the above mentioned. Unless it is a variation of dodgeball, the court must have a center line.


There is no standard worldwide measurement or material for a dodgeball.However, most dodgeballs are roughly the size of a volleyball and composed of foam with a thin plastic shell. Some dodgeballs are made of rubber. Some leagues allow the use of multiple sizes of dodgeballs in a single match, while others use one standard size for all ball.
Any number of dodgeballs may be used in a game, but between five to ten is common. Exceptions are usually made if a court is particularly small or if many people participate.


The game is played on a large rectangular court, called the bed. A line in the middle of the court, called the shaft, divides the bed into two halves. All of the balls that will be used in gameplay must be placed along the shaft before play starts. An even number of players are divided into two teams, and stand on opposite sides of the bed. When the game starts the players charge the shaft, grab the balls and proceed to hit the players of the opposing team with the balls. If a player is hit, he is considered "out" and must leave the bed. When a team has lost all its players, they lose and the game is over. The winning team is declared the winner.


Rules dictate both a minimum number of players needed to start the game and a maximum number of players allowed on the court at any one time. The maximum number of per side is typically the same as the number starting the game. There is no universal limit on the amount of players allowed in a team/game. The person/people organizing the game choose the amount.After a player is eliminated, he may re-enter the match if another player on his team catches an opponent's thrown ball on the full (provided his team does not already have the maximum amount of players on the court). In some versions of dodgeball, where the game is played on a basketball court, if the ball is thrown into the opponent's basket or it is thrown and it hits the backboard on the full, everybody gets resurrected from the thrower's team. In some versions of the game, they make the players hit something else in order to revive the team. In some rule-sets, players must be resurrected in the order that they were defeated, but in others, the catching player may choose the player to resurrect.Some leagues allow players that have been eliminated to assist their team by directing thrown balls back to the players on the court, while other leagues confine eliminated players to a designated area off the court and prohibit them from participating in the game until they are allowed back on the court.


Dodgeball is any of a variety of games in which players try to hit other players on the opposing team with balls while avoiding being hit themselves.

-A dodgeball player dodging a ball.

The game is typically played among children 6-12 in elementary school physical education programs have stressed that as a game it develops balance, eye-hand coordination,  and reflex skills among young children. However, internationally, the sport is growing, and has emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport as well. It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues. There are many variations of the game, but generally the main objective of each team is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by a member of the opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the court boundaries when a ball is thrown at them.